SDI Governance

This project advances the current state of knowledge regarding the governance of (scholarly) digital infrastructures (DI). These are large-scale sociotechnical systems that rely on the Internet technologies, digital data and social practices that work together to create functionality across time and space. Examples of DI include the set of services provided by Google and a scholarly DI is one distinct form containing collection of digital and digitized artifacts (e.g., Dryad or ApTrust). A DI focuses on provision of and access to data artifacts and may be seen as subset of what is cyberinfrastructure (CI) provides.

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CISE IIS-1527410 via the Cyber Human Systems (CHS). The findings and insights do not reflect the opinion or position of the NSF.

Looking for VOSS or  Citizen Science Research at Syracuse?  Kevin Crowston is PI on the citizen science project which is also funded by NSF OCI via Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems (VOSS).